Health and Nutrition Counseling

This is perfect if you...

  • are feeling tired, run down and fatigued
  • are frustrated with past attempts at lasting weight loss
  • need support figuring out how to get relief from a chronic health issue
  • have cravings for foods that just aren’t serving you
  • want to transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle but you don’t know where to begin
  • want to prevent disease and optimize health

Are you experiencing:

  • Digestive Disorders and Food Sensitivities
  • Autoimmune Disorders 
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Chronic Fatigue and/or Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Weight Imbalance
  • PCOS, Endometriosis, Infertility
  • Brain fog, Migraines or Memory Issues

You’ve got questions.
I’ve got… questions (and the skills, knowledge, and resources to help you build a successful action plan!)

Functional Nutrition isn’t about just handing you a plan. It’s partnership with a purpose. 

Simple shifts and healthier habits get you back to a balance point where mojo, mindset, motivation, and inspiration meet.  Whether it’s for your health, your life, or your business, having a great Coach can make all the difference.

If you’re ready to figure out what really works for your body or your business then I’m ready for you!

Aren’t you tired of chasing symptoms and looking for answers?

Isn’t it exhausting going from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist… 
all those appointments, prescription recommendations and “quick fixes” that aren’t really fixes at all!

I want to break this cycle for you.

I want you to live in optimal health, the way you DESERVE to feel.

What Makes Sarah’s Process So Successful…

I recognize that you are an individual with unique needs.

Instead of trying to smash your symptoms into a one-size-fits-all formula, I take the time to get to know what is really going on in your body and your life.

The specialized counseling approach and coaching methods I use look at all aspects of your history and your health.

The process gives us a deep, intimate understanding of what makes you, you.

Putting it all together, we are able to create the most effective, dynamic plan to help you meet your goals.


There are four steps in my process:

What: I help you remove common allergens and the top inflammatory culprits in your diet and lifestyle. This is called “clearing the muddy waters.”

Why: To help see what’s going on in your body, we take this step to reduce systemic inflammation (because it is the cause of so many symptoms!)

This a “non-negotiable.” Without this step, it’s hard to go to the next level of treatment and care.

Once those “muddy waters” are clear, we shift and focus on the symptoms that remain. 

What: We compile a thorough history; I get the honor of listening to your story, teasing out pieces of health significance and working to identify triggers and root causes in your past and present life.

Why: Through this process, my aim is also to address any deficiencies that might be getting in the way of your healing. These may be nutrient or lifestyle deficiencies.

What: We work together to create a custom plan that feels right to you and evolves with your progress and your needs.

Why: Creating a plan without considering your current situation and life demands just doesn’t set us up for success.  Cookie cutter plans don’t cut it here either — if they did, then any old DIY nutrition book or diet would have gotten results by now. 
I’m not saying that everything I suggest is going to be easy, but the goal is to get you where you want and need to be so you can feel better.  

I’m with you every step of the way! 

What: That means partnering with you and any other providers on your healthcare team that understand the need for a collaborative approach.

Why: Ultimately, I believe that today’s health challenges are best served by practitioners and patients working together.

You don’t have to go through this alone!

Note: My work is most successful with people who are willing to make significant changes in their diet and lifestyle in order to get better. For more information and details, you can read answers to common questions about my counseling approach here.

Take the short quiz below to find out if you are ready!

When you are done, you will unlock 3 action steps that can help — the steps are based on your score.  Also, if you share your email,  I will send you my favorite tools for getting started.  They are helpful no matter what stage your in!  And, they’re my gift to you, just for taking the quiz.

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